The French pairs are not experiencing difficulties at the moment on the FIPs of Alicante and Cairo. Concerning the Cairo FIP, the Seurin / Raichman pair, the only French pair in the tournament, which forms the 1st seed and which is the favorite pair of the FIP Promotion reaches the semi-finals by beating the Spanish pair Font / Mesa Arenas 6/ 3 6/4.

For their next match at 12 a.m. they will meet the Spanish duo Gonzalez Zamorano / Dorta Diaz, ranked 811th and 429th respectively in the FIP ranking.

Regarding the Alicante FIP, the Franco-Spanish pair Buteau/Rosa Vadillo (TS5) beat the duo Carvajal Caballero/Gallego Martinez 6/1 6/0 and will face the 16% Spanish pair Toledo Jovani in the round of 100 / Gamez. Camille Sireix and Louise Bahurel, (TS6) also won their match in Cairo against Duro Garcia / Esteban Esposito. The French face the pair Fauré / Prieto in the round of 16. Match scheduled around 15 p.m.

Dorian Massy

New follower of padel, I am fascinated by this dynamic sport which combines strategy and agility. I find in the padel a new passion to explore and share with you on Padel Magazine.