The FIP Rise which begins in two days in Cordoba is a special tournament, since it will score the end of Juani Mieres' career, one of the big names in padel global. But not only.

Indeed, who says FIP tournament says possibility of scoring points for the circuit Premier Padel. An opportunity that five French women do not want to miss. We will therefore find two 100% French pairs, Detriviere/Martin and Barsotti/Invernon, and a Franco-Spanish duo, Touly/Rosa Vadillo.

Amélie and Mélissa face qualifiers in the first round, Wendy and Élodie are opposed to the Rodriguez twins, while Carla and Lucia have a complicated draw against the 2 seed, Schuck/Pinacho.

Among the men, on the other hand, no tricolor has registered for the competition, which will see a majority of Spaniards compete, as you can see in the tables here.

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