The first semi-final of the Greenweez Paris Major Premier Padel will pit the pair Nieto/Sanz against Coello/Tapia. At a press conference, Coki Nieto and Jon Sanz were realistic and almost a little too pessimistic.
This pessimism can be explained by their difficulties encountered during their quarter-final against Javi Leal / Jose Diestro. Indeed, the future semi-finalists were trailing 1 set to 0 before the interruption due to excessive heat.
Honest, Coki and Jon affirm that “the fact that we are behind is not due to the very hot playing conditions but to the fact that we could not stick to a precise tactic. We sometimes changed tactics during the game instead of sticking to it until the end.”
Not all players agreed to call for the match to be interrupted. Aware that he and Diestro were on top, Javi Leal wanted to continue with playing conditions where the ball bounced very high.
Convert break points
When our colleagues from 4set asked Jon Sanz how he would explain to his family and friends that he was in the semi-final of a tournament at Roland Garros, he replied with a smile: “Let them get used to it because I I will do everything to be there very often.”
What made the difference in this match was whether or not to convert break points. In this game, Diestro and Leal were the worst with only one break point converted out of eleven opportunities compared to three out of eleven for the winners.
Now having the fierce Coello and Tapia in their sights, Coki Nieto and Jon Sanz showed little confidence. “Since their almost miraculous victory in the first round, I see them going all the way,” said Coki, who added: “The key for us to win tomorrow is to play at our best level and hope that they are in a bad situation. day. When they are at their best, they are almost unplayable.” The future will prove him right or wrong...