When we are on the field, what makes the difference between two pairs of the same level is the determination, the desire, the will to win. The rage to win is not to be confused with “bad faith”, it can be defined as the deep desire to hate losing. This feeling will help you improve as a padel. The will that is maintained, is forged thanks to new objectives for example.

10 tips to boost your will

  1. Analyze your limits. By knowing them, you will know them better, and therefore know how to cross them. A limit is not the end, it's an obstacle to overcome, and you can go beyond, it's not the end.
  2. Method. Here it is about understanding how you can overcome this obstacle. By what means ? There is a certain process to follow, specific to each person.
  3. Planning. Organize yourself so that you can achieve all the aspects of your life that interest you. If you want to progress to padel, plan training, competitions.
  4. Le padel is a sport that requires the outside and discerning eye of a trainer. It is very difficult to progress without help. Surround yourself with a coach who will help you in your progress.
  5. Patience. Seeing the results of a workout can be quite long, do not be frustrated if you do not see that you are improving immediately. Take your time, you will see the fruits of your work in due time.
  6. Requirement. Any great player is very demanding of himself. Think about the player you want to be. This will keep you focused on your goals, and keep you motivated to play the game. padel.
  7. Observer. Watching the players who have succeeded before you become what you want to become is important. Analyze their course, analyze their game, and try to apply it on the ground on your side.
  8. Optimism. A defeat, no matter how cruel, brings a lot of positive things, you must be able to see it. A defeat will help you in the future much more than a win, so learn from your defeats, and rise to continue your progress.
  9. To know itself. Perfect knowledge of your body and your mind is indispensable. This will help you keep your focus on the game, stay focused on the goal, and keep that will to win.
  10. To come up. When you talk about your future in the padel, Be confident. Having positive intentions will only bring its fair share of positive events (without going overboard). Being confident will allow you not to think negative thoughts, and to be determined to continue your practices and games in the best possible way.
Alexis Dutour

Alexis Dutour is passionate about padel. With his training in communication and marketing, he puts his skills at the service of padel to offer us articles that are always very interesting.