Léa Godallier will play the World Padel Tour de Valencia with Marta Caparros, recent silver medalist at the European Games. After knowing several teammates since his separation from Orsi, the French joins forces with her former training partner. Indeed, number 47 at the WPT seems to be struggling to find a permanent partner for some time. After sharing the pista for two tournaments with Araceli Martinez, Léa played alongside Beatriz Caldera for a tournament in Valladolid last week.

This association, with a player she knows, could allow the Frenchwoman to obtain better results. Answer next week in Valencia!

thomas jay

After being rocked by tennis for nearly 15 years, I became an absolute fan of its cousin, the padel. For nearly a year now, I've been chasing the little yellow ball with another racquet, but with just as much passion! Based in Lyon, I intend to make you better acquainted with the padel in the region and at the national level.