Teachers can teach padel only from the moment they obtain the diploma as well as respecting the framework of its prerogatives.

The person wishing to exercise this profession must pass at least one of these diplomas to teach:

  • State certificate of 1er tennis degree (BE1)
  • State Certificate of Sport Educator 2th degree (BE2)
  • State Diploma of Youth, Popular Education and Sport (DEJEPS) mention tennis "monitor"
  • Higher State Diploma of Youth, Popular Education and Sport (DESJEPS) mention tennis "teacher".

But a contradiction for its development ... 

As we have seen previously, a person wishing to teach the padel is obliged to pass a tennis diploma.

This sport being an integral part of the FFT, the padel still remains a different practice compared to tennis. The DE is not accessible to everyone because you must have been at least classified 15/2 to be able to afford the training.

As this sport is known to be fun and accessible for its game, this would mean that other athletes would be able to train in the future. For the moment, the development of padel is not in adequacy with the system of training of trainer to develop the practice.

Moreover the modules proposed by the federation remain superficial compared to the Spanish system which has its own teaching.

According to Isabelle Vanier, specializing in internships padel in Barcelona :

The reality in France is such that a tennis teacher in a club does not have the time to practice and train outside of his tennis activity. The federation certainly offers training modules but this sport can not be learned in a few hours ...

It alone deserves the same requirements as those we have in tennis coaching training. Without this, it will be difficult to have a level of play as high as in Spain.

Alexandre Cifuentes

Alexandre Cifuentes studies economics. He decided to intervene on the business of padel and in the sports market in general. It allows us to know about the padel in its entirety.