From October 18 to 22, the Pan American 2023. And in this competition, which brings together Venezuela, Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay, Brazil, Chile, Canada, Mexico and Ecuador, the Albiceleste selection has decided to go big.

Indeed, with a team made up of Fede Chingotto, Lucho Capra, Alex Chozas, Leo Augsburger, Gonzalo Alfonso, Juan Ignacio De Pascual, Miguel Lamperti and Ramiro Moyano, the selection of Rodri Ovide seems completely untouchable.

Among the girls, the casting is less dreamy, since we don't find any players from the elite of the padel global. However, with a squad that includes Silvana Campus, Irene Jiménez, Alma Córdoba, María Laura Ferreyra, Daiara Valenzuela, Paloma Albornoz, Sol Capello and Sasha Gómez, the team led by Ceci Reiter also seems favorite.

Xan is a fan of padel. But also rugby! And his posts are just as punchy. Physical trainer of several padel, he unearths atypical posts or deals with topical subjects. It also gives you some tips to develop your physique for the padel. Clearly, he imposes his offensive style as on the field of padel !