We asked you about Instagram who was the best smasher in the world when he was at his best, and you mostly answered Agustin Tapia.

First, know that it was complicated for us to select only three players. As you may know, when you do a survey on Instagram, you can only offer four answers. Based on a article we did some time ago on the subject, so we chose Agustin Tapia, Juan Lebron and Ale Galan, but if we could have maybe put ten names!

Finally, 40% of you answered that the “Mozart of Catamarca” was the best in the exercise. Behind, we find Ale Galan, with 24% of the votes. More surprisingly, there are more votes for “others” (16%) than for Juan LeBron (15%). We imagine that those who voted “others” thought of Arturo Coello, Javi Garrido, Juan Tello, Franco Stupaczuk or even the young cannoniers Javi Leal, Leo Augsburger and Alex Arroyo who hit the ball with crazy violence…

We still notice that Lebron, who has considerably reduced his smash attempts this year because of his forearm injury, is clearly paying for this change in style of play. Have our readers forgotten to what extent the Was Andalou effective from the right side with his baseline smash in previous seasons?

Lebron and his smashes

Whatever the case, your current favorite remains Agustin Tapia, and it must be recognized that the Argentinian, number 1 in the 2023 Race, has disgusted more than one with this impression of ease that he gives off during the exercise. . To celebrate this magnificent player, we're redoing our Top 5 of 2022. Just magnificent!

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