To be a good player of padel, it is not only necessary to have a good technique, but also to have a good mental disposition, to have self-confidence, to have more security on the ground. Today we will see several tips that will help us to have more confidence in ourselves, the first step to success.

How to improve your confidence?

  1. First, there is a difference between what depends on you and what is not in your hands. Plan in detail everything that requires prior preparation.
  1. To gain confidence, congratulate your opponent when you lose a game, while sportsmanship and fair play. To do this, look him in the eye, and say "well done!" Or other congratulations.
  1. Regular physical training will help you gain confidence when playing golf. padel. Any elite athlete has reached this level thanks to his talent, but also thanks to his work (and especially thanks to his work).
  1. Avoid exaggerating a failure, and do not make generalizations based on a specific event.
  1. Ask your own feelings, it happens that what we think is not the reflection of the truth. In other words, if a sense of failure comes to you because of anything, avoid identifying that feeling with reality. To do this, compare this information, and remember all the achievements you have achieved at the sporting level.
  1. Any evolution must be progressive, and ascending to be firm. So be patient and set yourself small achievements according to your current situation.
  1. Your value is always the same regardless of your sporting performance. At the level of self-confidence, do not denigrate yourself because you have (in your opinion) been less good that day. Shoot the consequences of your performance to be better next time.
  1. Trust your sports coach, because this mental openness generates something enriching. You can also write your thoughts in a journal to get to know yourself better, and think about your actions.
Alexis Dutour

Alexis Dutour is passionate about padel. With his training in communication and marketing, he puts his skills at the service of padel to offer us articles that are always very interesting.