The French Cupra FIP Tour will have another busy week. Indeed, no less than 13 tricolors will be on deck this week!

In Agrigento, Italy, there are five French boys on the boys' side: Max Moreau and the Spaniard Florensa form the seeded 2, Adrien Maigret and Jerome Inzerillo the seeded 3, and Philemon Raichman and Julien Seurin the top seed 7. In girls, it is the pairs Barsotti/Invernon (TS5), Toully/Torralba (TS7) and Buteau/Tordoff who will defend the French chances.

The tables :

We will also have four tricolors present at Al Alamein in Egypt. Among the gentlemen, Dorian From Meyer finds his lifelong teammate Thomas Vanbauce, while Quentin Lacoste is associated with the Russian Vladimir Nifontov. Vanbauce and De Meyer will be seeded number 5. Among the girls, Mélissa Martin form the seed 2 with the Portuguese Bruna Melo.

The tables :

It will be noted that the FIP Promotion of Elche, which also takes place this week, did not attract crowds on the French side, since the Frenchman decided to go to Spain.

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