If team meetings in the form of championships, whether departmental, regional or national, have already existed for several seasons, team tournaments taking place over one day are a novelty brought by the Esprit team Padel, always at the forefront in terms of innovation. This news has been validated by its supervisory league, more than ever supportive and proactive in terms of padel.

A concise, intense and stimulating format

Each team must be composed of five players. Not one more, not one less!
The first two matches are played in the C2 format (9 no-ad games) and in the event of a tie at one all, a super tie-break decides between the two teams with the obligation to bring in the fifth player who did not participate in both first matches. Suspense, emotions and tension guaranteed!

Mind Padel Lyon Team Tournament 2

A predominant and supervised tactical aspect

As seen above, the choice of the fifth man having to be communicated to the referee before the start of the first match, it turns out to be decisive. Not to mention that player number 5 must necessarily be different from one meeting to the next. Each choice influences the upcoming meeting, but also the next one!

The best player in the team ranking must participate in the first match or must be designated fifth man. In this case, number two will then have to participate in the first part.

Mind Padel Lyon Team Tournament 3

An alliance between the strength of interclub tennis and the conviviality of padel

No license or club membership limits, you just need to bring together five friends, work colleagues or others. However, nothing prevents you from setting up a team 100% from your club! The great strength of this formula is to allow an entire competition on a single location with the designation of a winner over a single day instead of several weekends.

The two – and potentially three if necessary – matches follow one another, which allows you to receive coaching and encouragement from the entire team at each meeting.

Two attempts, two successes

Last Sunday, in Esprit Padel The second approved P250 team tournament of the season therefore took place. After a first successful “laboratory” attempt in February with 12 teams, this time there are 16 teams who rushed to the registration site to fill the tournament in less than 48 hours. Three teams were still on the waiting list.

Intensity and conviviality were once again the key words of this day. After the choice of team names by their members ("Lyons de Vichy", "Team Rocket", "Los Brignairos", etc.) or automatically assigned by the referee depending on the circumstances ("Bière et Paix", " Pillow failure »…) and the drawing of lots at 08:45 a.m., time for the competition!

And it was around 18:30 p.m., after some great “mouillette” tie-breaks, that the winners were known!
The “Yuzu” winning in the final against the “Surcotés”, “Bière et Paix” taking third place after each member of the team had amply justified their membership in the team….

Mind Padel Lyon Team Tournament Table

A win/win combo

By unanimous opinion of all participants, this day is by far the most friendly and stimulating they have participated in recently in padel competition. The next team tournament, whose date has not yet been set, is already requested by all!

On the club side, seeing so many players eager to participate, a conviviality like never before, a competition as qualitative as it is intense with shouts of encouragement from the 80 players present from morning to evening is a success and a satisfaction going beyond beyond the simple economic aspect which is also satisfactory (registration fees were only €18 per player).

The final word for the players

Some quotes from the participants to finish:

  • « Classic tournaments tend to bore me, the idea of ​​sharing this with four friends immediately appealed to me » Bertand B.
  • « The format is great: tactics, intensity, playing time… » Sebastien A.
  • « Next time it's me on the fifth, I can't take it anymore ! » the whole Pula Pula team before the 4th match.
  • « Pfff I got so wet in the super-tie… » Pierre K, Alexandre S., and many others…
  • « What a joy to see so many players getting into the game, having fun, having fun and asking for more! Thank you to everyone ! » Jérôme Bécasset.
Jerome Becasset

Jérôme Béasset is the Paquito Navarro of the team Padel Magazine. Offensive on all subjects in the world of padel, he returns to many subjects with an always informed eye.