It didn't take long to confirm the hypothesis formulated by the entire padel planet since yesterday evening: Ale Galan and Federico Chingotto have decided to join forces. The Madrilenian announced it on Instagram this Friday at noon.

Many fans wanted to see this association already at the end of last season, but ultimately Lebron and Galan decided to start 2024 together. And the field proved them right since the Spaniards won the first tournament of the season in Riyadh. Finally back at their best level, they even took the throne of the FIP ranking from Arturo Coello last week.

But while we imagined Jorge Martinez's players leaving to have a big year together, an event is in all likelihood (we do not yet have confirmation, however, that the decision was taken following the elimination of Doha ) came to turn everything upside down. This event is the defeat against Javi Garrido and Miguel Yanguas in the round of 16 of the Qatar Major.

More than the result in itself, it was the manner that certainly ignited the powder. While they had won the first set, the number 1s began to fall back into their ways, with Lebron falling too easily to the provocations of his opponents. And while the Spaniards had their backs against the wall in the decisive round, the native of Cadiz lost his calm and let his anger express itself a little too much. A reaction which was not really to the taste of his partner, who at the end of the meeting seemed totally distraught.

Visibly enough to put an end to four years of a most fruitful collaboration. From now on, Galan will begin a brand new project with Fede Chingotto, a player with qualities and faults very different from those of the one who is now his former partner (the two men will play one last tournament together, the P1 in Acapulco). Indeed, Chingotto is a calm player, who controls the game, and who rarely lets himself be overcome by his emotions. Less powerful and decisive than Lebron, he will bring more stability to the Madrilenian, who should be able to let go completely next to the native of Buenos Aires.

Once expected alongside Jon Sanz, Galan therefore preferred to take a player who was better ranked and with more experience at the very high level, but also more stable. Although extremely talented, the Navarrese Sanz is capable of big bursts of heat and the native of Leganés was certainly looking for a little more tranquility after almost four years of having to accept the moods of the “Lobo”. We will see from P2 of Puerto Cabello if the association between Ale and Fede starts well…

You understand, the return of the Chingotto / Tello pair will wait, for the moment it is alongside Ale Galan that the one we nickname “Super Raton” has decided to continue his career.

Now we wonder if Momo Gonzalez and Juan LeBron will team up, or if other changes will follow…

Xan is a fan of padel. But also of rugby! And his posts are just as punchy. Physical trainer of several padel players, he finds atypical posts or deals with current topics. He also gives you some advice to develop your physique for padel. Clearly, he imposes his offensive style as on the padel court!