Le Padel Pro Tour (PPT) is the former professional padel circuit. The PPT, active from 2005 to 2012, helped popularize padel by organizing high-level tournaments and featuring the best players in the world.

The WPT replaces the Padel Pro Tour in 2013

Le Padel Pro Tour (PPT), which organized tournaments mainly in Spain and Argentina, came to an end in 2012, mainly due to internal conflicts and differences between the different parties involved in the organization of the circuit.

Specifically, the breakup occurred due to disagreements between the management of the Padel Pro Tour and players. These disagreements centered on financial matters, on the governance of the circuit and on other organizational aspects. The disputes eventually led to a split and the Padel Pro Tour ceased to exist as a unified entity.

It was replaced by the World Padel Tour, which has become the dominant professional circuit in the world of padel. The WPT has taken over from the PPT as the main organization governing professional padel tournaments internationally.

A leadership challenged in 2018

However, its hegemony has been regularly challenged over the past ten years, notably with theInternational Padel Tour (IPT) whose President was Fabrice Pastor and who was close to replacing him in 2018.

The best players in the world (gents) seemed ready to take the plunge to change the circuit, but at the last moment, the WPT managed to contain the desires of players elsewhere.

Premier Padel in the role of World Padel Tour in 2012/2013

If today the relations between the WPT and Premier Padel seem to be going much better, we lived at the end of 2022 – beginning of 2023, an episode very similar to that encountered exactly ten years ago between the WPT and the PPT. Except that at the time, it was the WPT which came to impose itself as the reference circuit!

From now on, it would seem that these two circuits are ready to collaborate, to offer us a unique calendar in 2024, in addition to that ofA1 Padel obviously.

Franck Binisti

Franck Binisti discovered padel at the Club des Pyramides in 2009 in the Paris region. Since then, padel has been part of his life. You often see him touring France to cover major French padel events.