It is not uncommon to see very good tennis players arrive at the padel. Some like competition and therefore wish to participate in homologated events of padel.

If you have been or are a very good tennis player, you can request an assimilation to obtain a ranking of padel more in line with your level at padel.

Indeed, tennis players who have had a good level can have facilities at padel. At the very least, tennis players will begin their learning of the padel with bases.

Obtaining this assimilation is simple. All you have to do is request it from your league.

Indeed, it is not unusual to see -15 on P100 or see players who practice a little padel and who were very good tennis players.

The French Tennis Federation has set up a very interesting process for those players who want to obtain assimilation. Players from padel well known as Arnaud Clément, Arnaud Di Pasquale or Paul-Henri Mathieu were able to obtain an assimilation. Spaniards who obviously play very well got it ...

Why not you ? You, opponents and clubs will appreciate this regulation.


Franck Binisti

Franck Binisti discovers the padel at the Club des Pyramides in 2009 in the Paris region. Since padel is part of his life. You often see him touring France going to cover the major events of padel French.