Agustin Tapia is a true star of padel global. The current number 1 in the ranking of World Padel Tour is a model of precocity. The youngest player to win the WPT Master Final, the “Genius of Catamarca” is already leaving his mark on our sport.

In order to celebrate this magnificent player, the Nox brand decided to create a documentary called “Agustin Tapia: Haste La Cima”, understand Agustin Tapia to the top. We see testimonies from loved ones, his coaches, teammates, who talk about the phenomenon. For fans of the player, this is not to be missed under any circumstances!

The “film” will be available from the 22nd on the Nox YouTube channel Padel.

Le trailer here:

Xan is a fan of padel. But also rugby! And his posts are just as punchy. Physical trainer of several padel, he unearths atypical posts or deals with topical subjects. It also gives you some tips to develop your physique for the padel. Clearly, he imposes his offensive style as on the field of padel !