Training padel, obtaining a diploma from padel in France, education, the creation of a padel in France are among the big subjects that the French Tennis Federation is currently dealing with.

We will try to give you a little summary of what we can get today.

The DE tennis, an insurance

It is no longer a secret. A DE TENNIS can teach the padel overnight. For those who are competent and who have the DE TENNIS, it is a saving of time and it is good for the clubs.

What is singled out are obviously those who do not yet know this sport and who can claim to be a teacher of padel overnight despite reduced skills.

The FFT has set up modules padel which last a weekend and which allows DE TENNIS to learn about padel. It is more of a discovery of this sport than of training for several weeks / months.

DE TENNIS do not hesitate to approach training organization in France to complement their achievements.

The CQP Animator: An alternative

To meet the demand of clubs and the current prerogatives, the FFT has set up a CQP which allows the delivery of padel. There too, the CQP is not the miracle cure either because it is regulated and does not allow to be able to teach the padel all week, without any limit.

Sports teachers - STAPS

This is the good news for sports teachers: You can teach padel. A bit like for DE TENNIS, it is not a diploma dedicated to padel. It is therefore often questioned by stakeholders in the padel.

Of the PADEL : Highly anticipated

The DTN and the Ministry of Sports are currently working on the creation of a specific DE for Padel. The FFT explained it clearly to us. This is his ambition. Problem: the FFT does not have all the cards in hand.

Indeed, the establishment of a DE padel, means the intervention and validation of this diploma by the Minister of Sports. However, things may not go as quickly as we would hope.

Nevertheless, we can already say that there will be in this DE PADEL, a minimum number of training days. (several hundred hours)

The other point: You must have (or have had) a minimum ranking of Padel to hope to get this DE PADEL.

We're not there yet, but things are changing and obviously the FFT is on the front lines to offer this DE this year. PADEL so desired.

Franck Binisti

Franck Binisti discovers the padel at the Club des Pyramides in 2009 in the Paris region. Since padel is part of his life. You often see him touring France going to cover the major events of padel French.