Le Padel Elbow is the typical pain that appears in the elbow following a great repetition of the gesture, an excess of matches or a bad execution. First of all, what is the padel elbow? And then, how to prevent it before ending up with your doctor.

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What is it ?

 Le padel elbow is a tennis elbow but in the padel. It is an inflammation of the tendon that connects the various muscles to the bones of the forearm and arm (radius, ulna and humerus). The painful area will be the hollow next to the tip of the elbow.

When we begin to practice the padel, we tend to overlook these little muscles that form our forearms. Error because they are the ones who allow us to hold the racket, and if you do not prepare them, you risk in the worst case having to leave your favorite sport to recover from this inflammation.

This pain can have several origins. The first is overwork: you've played too much. The second, a bad racquet grip, every time you hit the racquet moves in your hand and the vibrations cause inflammation. The third, the reverse. A badly realized setback and it is the padel elbow assured.

The solution, prepare well.

Building your forearm will prevent any type of inflammation. When you look at the forearms of tennis or tennis players padel, one is disproportionate to the other.

Start with simple arm-type exercises, a bottle of water in your hand, bend your wrist.

Another simple exercise is to squeeze a ball.

Tip: Go there little by little. Muscle your forearms slowly because they are small muscles. Excessive workload added to games of padel and you will increase your chances of injury.

And never forget that after each training session or match, you have to stretch. For the forearm, extend your arm, palm to the sky. Catch your fingers with the other hand and pull down. You can do the same stretch but with the palm of your hand to the ground.

Julien Bondia

Julien Bondia is a teacher of padel in Tenerife (Spain). Columnist and advisor, he helps you play better through his tutorials and tactical/technical articles padel.