The current French number 8 in tennis, Lucas Pouille, is a big fan of padel. At the Big Padel Bordeaux and at the microphone of one of the most famous tennis photographers in the world, Antoine Couvercelle, the 58th world player gives us his first padel sensations.

We have merged 2 discussions / interviews. Here are the best moments.

Have fun intelligently

It's always a pleasure to play padel. I like to play this sport during my free time. It's both a good way to do something other than tennis and in a fun way.

And then it allows you to play as a team and have fun with friends. This is perhaps what is missing in tennis: we are alone while there, we can really share everything on the ground.

It feels good on all levels: morally, it's a very good thing and then it allows you to have fun intelligently because padel has bases in tennis like the volley, certain shots... Even if I know well that you have to be careful not to play too much tennis on a padel court.

Bugs with the walls

I still have a lot to do in padel. I would even say that there is everything to do. I have about twenty games under my belt. I will have to do more to fully understand all the aspects of padel.

For example, I would like to understand the walls a little better. But I do my best yet on the ground, but it can happen to me to have some bugs with the walls.

In padel, the exchanges often last. We find ourselves making really funny and atypical shots.

Padel, a sport apart

 When I see the French level in padel, we quickly understand that it is indeed a sport apart.

I had the chance to play against good French players and we understand very quickly that we are not playing in the same court. I still have a long way to go to hope to tease some…

But once again, for me, padel is above all a time to have fun... Afterwards, you never know...

You will see me again on the padel courts

We are lucky to have very nice infrastructures in France. The BIG PADEL BORDEAUX for example where we had a lot of fun outdoors. And then there is also the Parisian club, Casa Padel with plenty of padel courts.

It seems obvious that padel has a bright future and it's a safe bet that we'll see me on the courts again.

Find a part of Antoine Couvercelle's interview here:

Franck Binisti

Franck Binisti discovered padel at the Club des Pyramides in 2009 in the Paris region. Since then, padel has been part of his life. You often see him touring France to cover major French padel events.