Who will be the brave people who grab their pala a few days before Christmas? The most passionate among us craving the little yellow ball will have another chance to eliminate a few calories before the great culinary orgy that awaits them.

In fact there are still a few places left for the latest P25 of the year which will all be contested this Saturday, December 23.

  • P25 Gentlemen in Toulouse Padel Club
  • P25 Gentlemen at Let Padel of Saint Pryvé Saint Mesmin (45)
  • P25 Gentlemen at TC Biterrois (34)
  • P25 Gentlemen at B14 in Bondoufle (91)
  • P25 Gentlemen in Tennis Padel Palavas Club (34)
  • P25 Gentlemen to Padel Agen Club (47)
  • P25 Gentlemen at Padel Horizon of Sucy en Brie (94)

Now is the time to show off all your talent before putting away your pala for the end of year holidays. So what are you waiting for? To your registrations!

Sebastien Carrasco

Future naturopath and passionate about padel, Seb is the health/food gentleman of Padel Magazine. He juggles between pala, quinoa and essential oils. For almost two years now he has been dealing with the news of the little yellow ball with the same passion.
