Relive the final of Head Padel Open 2018 of Aix en Provence between Bastien Blanqué/Johan Bergeron and Maxime Moreau/Jérémy Scatena.
A beautiful match proposed by these four players, despite average conditions, with wind that day.
A difficult week for the defending champions of France (Johan Bergeron and Bastien Blanque), who managed to climb into the final against the formidable pair: Maxime Moreau - who plays right for the occasion - associated with Jérémy Scatena.
A first set, tight, emanating from breaks and débreaks, on the part of the two teams. It is at the tie-break that Jérémy and Maxime will succeed in winning this inaugural set.
The second set, like the first, will offer us superb points: off-the-field counter shots made by Jérémy and Bastien, cushioning and kibble thanks to the talent of the right-hand players, Johan and Maxime…
Who will win this final and therefore be THE champions of Head Padel Open of Aix-en-Provence 2018? The team of reigning French champions or that of the outsiders? See you Sunday 17 p.m. for the answer!

Line Meites is one of the best French padel players. She is the voice of your live on Padel Magazine. But not only, she also hosts the column “Investigations of the Swiss Army Knife”. Every month, she will come back to a controversy or a theme that is close to her heart.