For both men and women, seeds 1 and 2 will meet tomorrow in the final of the FIP Platinum from Veneto.

Seeds 1 and 2 are in fine form in Italy, with only straight-set wins today as you will see below.

  • Esther Carnicero/Lucia Martinez (TS2) beats Teresa Navarro/Nuria Rodriguez (TS4) 6/3 7/5
  • Pablo Lijo/Javi Ruiz (TS2) beats Ramiro Moyano/Jon Sanz (TS4) 6/2 6/1
  • Veronica Virseda/Barbara Las Heras (TS1) beats Jimena Velasco/Lorena Rufo (TS3) 6/4 6/1
  • Juan Cruz Belluati/Agustin Gomez Silingo (TS1) defeats Lucas Bergamini/Victor Ruiz 6/4 6/2

So these are two superb finals that await us tomorrow from 15:00 p.m.!

Xan is a fan of padel. But also of rugby! And his posts are just as punchy. Physical trainer of several padel players, he finds atypical posts or deals with current topics. He also gives you some advice to develop your physique for padel. Clearly, he imposes his offensive style as on the padel court!