The FIP Star Perugia, which will be played next week in Italy, promises to be tough with several players from the world Top 50, and very good pairs, like Arroyo / Alonso (TS1), Cardona / Ramirez (TS2) or Barahona / Garcia (TS4).

On the French side, we will of course follow the French players, of whom there are nine in the list of registered players. Number 1 Benjamin Tison will be present alongside his teammate in the French team, Adrien Maigret. Jérémy Scatena will form a Franco-Belgian pair with Maxime Deloyer, just like Jérôme Inzerillo with Clément Geens, who will therefore have a new French teammate after Tison in Amsterdam.

We will also follow the pairs Moreau / Cendon (ESP), Guichard / Blanqué and Seurin / Vives.

Find the list of registered HERE.

Among the girls, the field is less tough, and the head of seed 1, Marina Lobo / Carolina Navarro, does not really seem to have a rival, other than perhaps the 100% Italian Marchetti / Pappacena association.

Five French women will be present in Italy, and for once, we will not have any 100% tricolor pair on the women's side. Élodie Invernon and Wendy Barsotti, usual teammates, decided to play with other partners. The first teams up with the Italian Francesca Ligotti, the second with the Argentine Marianela Montasi. Carla Touly is associated with the Dutchwoman Rosalie Van Der Hoek, Mélissa Martin will share the track with the Portuguese Bruna Melo, and Camille Sireix with the Spaniard Ainhoa ​​Rodriguez.

Here is the list of registrants:

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