Slightly different theme this week in At the heart of padel. Indeed, once is not customary, Andoni Bardasco and his team of Padel Stuff do not offer us a video of technique or tactics but rather help in choosing your racket.

La shovel is the number 1 tool in the player's toolbox. If the shoes are of capital importance because they allow you to feel good when moving, it is the racket that will determine the sensations that the player will experience with each strike.

Like many players, Paul Daulan had to test several rackets before finding the one of his heart. Weight in handle, weight in head, hard foam, soft foam... the Palois, assisted by his coach, tells us about his decision process and gives us the reasons why he chose the StarVie Titania Pro.

Xan is a fan of padel. But also rugby! And his posts are just as punchy. Physical trainer of several padel, he unearths atypical posts or deals with topical subjects. It also gives you some tips to develop your physique for the padel. Clearly, he imposes his offensive style as on the field of padel !