Play at padel in leisure time demands little of your body. By stretching after your session, your body will recover quickly. On the other hand, if you have decided to play regularly or even compete, you will need good preparation and… good recovery. Here are some physio tips. (Physiotherapy)

Here, according to the physiotherapist of World Padel Tour, the parts of the body most prone to lesions and which must be protected.

  • Elbow: The Padel Elbow is an inflammation of the tendons in the elbow. It is the number 1 lesion among players of padel. Painful, it will disappear only with rest. Before we get to that, here's how it can arise.
    • A resumption of training too violent with many bullets hit at high speed.
    • A change of racket. Hard rackets with a reduced impact point (punto dulce), which tend to vibrate, return these vibrations to the elbow.

To prevent these inflammations, it is advisable to take the time with the new racket, to strengthen the forearm, to stretch before and after the effort, to massage before the effort, to pass creams of recovery after the effort and to use the suckers.

  • Tendon tendon: Lesions at this level are often due to a wrong choice of shoes. A person who changes little direction will have to opt for rather hard shoes. Conversely for people who are very mobile in the field, which frequently change direction, it will be advisable to choose shoes rather light, thin, with a small heel.

How to avoid lesions: Stretch the calves a lot and massage both calves and tendon tendons. For those who accumulate a lot of games, it is advisable to massage the tendon before the match to prepare for the effort. Bandages are also a solution. Also very important, the bodybuilding work of the pelvis, with the abdominals, glutes and all the muscles used for acceleration, braking and extensions.

  • The lumbar area: It will be much more solicited on slow ground with little sand, long-haired and often indoor. The fact that the playing conditions are slower, the points will last longer. Players will have to flex a lot more, the lumbar and gluteal area will be put to the test.

How to avoid lesions: This area of ​​the body is very muscular. It is therefore necessary to stretch the glutes and hamstrings with long and light stretching. Massages will also be very important in recovery.

Always think of stretching the muscles with movement or striking, and all the muscles that allow you to perform this movement.

Finally, to avoid small or big problems with your body and continue to practice your favorite sport, eat balanced and do not hesitate to make pilate, a very good complement.

source: Padelgood

Julien Bondia

Julien Bondia is a teacher of padel in Tenerife (Spain). Columnist and advisor, he helps you play better through his tutorials and tactical/technical articles padel.