With the emergence of padel, it is clear that it is necessary for private clubs and municipal clubs to be able to meet the growing demand from players. The padel is booming today, the number of players is increasing. On the other hand, it is sometimes complicated to find 4 players. Therefore, playing together maybe the solution.
There are two ways to play in 1 vs 1 at padel. Indeed, specific land allow you to learn to tame the windows before entering the deep end. You can also play on a normal terrain, playing onlyand diagonal.
Padel Single
The grounds of padel 1 vs 1 are few on French territory. But they do exist, so find out more at clubs around you. The land is smaller than a normal land, the rules are the same as for the padel traditional. If you are already playing padel, you will have to get used to the new dimensions initially, but it gets done quite quickly.
Play in “diago”
Diagonal play can be done anywhere. In this case, you should only play diagonally. If you are planning a tournament it is best to practice with a player who usually plays on the same side as you. Or it can also be interesting to use the “diago” to learn to play on the other side.
What are the advantages of playing Padel in 1 vs 1? In terms of organization, it will be simpler. No need to find 3 people to play. You will play more balls, since by definition you will be alone on the field. You will be able to improve your technique and your control. Indeed, the field being smaller, your opponent will have more ease in catching your powerful blows. It will also be more physical than the padel in 2 vs 2.
On the contrary, there are drawbacks compared to the padel classic. The friendly atmosphere will be less present, and you will no longer have moral support. You won't have a partner who will support you during your complicated moments in the game. Above all, you must already have a level allowing you to play with precision, otherwise you risk getting bored quite quickly ...
Alexis Dutour is passionate about padel. With his training in communication and marketing, he puts his skills at the service of padel to offer us articles that are always very interesting.