It's small gestures like this that make us love sport.

While the semi-final of theUltimate Padel Tour raged between Javier Ruiz – Pablo Cardona et Federico Mouriño – Victor Mena, a small unforeseen event threw the game into disarray. In fact, the shoe of the powerful Spanish left-wing player split at the heel. Problem, the player who wears size 47 had no replacement pair... Fortunately, his opponent, the young and promising Pablo Cardona, generously lent him his running sneakers so that the match could continue.

If these shoes did not really bring luck to Mena, it still remains a nice gesture on the part of the native of Mérida who, as a reminder, join the team Bullpadel a few days ago.

A sequence to review below.

Sebastien Carrasco

Future naturopath and passionate about padel, Seb is the health/food gentleman of Padel Magazine. He juggles between pala, quinoa and essential oils. For almost two years now he has been dealing with the news of the little yellow ball with the same passion.