Services and the way they are arbitrated are a real hot topic in the padel .
Indeed, players, like Chingotto, Bela, or Alex Ruiz (all three often caught by the patrol), try to impact the ball as high as possible during their engagement. A way of flirt with the rule which has often succeeded for them, but recently, we have seen that the referees are becoming more and more intransigent. A good thing according to you, since according to our last survey carried out on Instagram, 93% of you appreciate stricter arbitration regarding services.
Ultimately, will this allow players to impact the ball clearly below their hip? The future will tell…
Xan is a fan of padel. But also rugby! And his posts are just as punchy. Physical trainer of several padel, he unearths atypical posts or deals with topical subjects. It also gives you some tips to develop your physique for the padel. Clearly, he imposes his offensive style as on the field of padel !